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Tanskalainen vuonna 2019 perustettu akustiikkapaneeleita valmistava yritys. Ympäristöystävällistä, tyylikästä ja laadukasta tyyliä kotiisi akustiikkaa parantaen ja nostaen asumisviihtyvyyttä sekä äänenlaatua korkeammalle tasolle kodissasi. Sopii hyvin myös julkisiin tiloihin, toimistoihin ym.

We create such an atmosphere at home, in the office, in restaurants, and bars. Our Danish-made wooden panels enhance the acoustics and aesthetics of any space they are installed in. We take a strict approach to designing acoustic solutions. We work hard to ensure that our solutions are not only practical, long-lasting, and meaningful, but also subtly captivating in their execution.

We are proud to be a forward-thinking company founded on human values. Our products are created to enhance the quality of life for our customers. Our product range offers peace of mind, focus, and beauty—through excellent acoustic solutions that are future-ready. We work with the values of sustainability and the principles of circularity to design long-lasting and high-quality acoustic solutions.

We value fine craftsmanship, attention to detail, and high-quality products, as well as extraordinary service. We prioritize sustainable and responsible materials and processes. We constantly strive to initiate activities that reduce our environmental footprint, without compromising on details, quality, or design.

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