MSB:n uuden sukupolven edullisin, täysin aito MSB ladder-DAC.
Uudet Prime DAC-modulit (2 kpl), jotka pohjautuvat Reference- ja Select Hybrid DAC-moduleihin. Premier Audio Clock-kellopiirit.
Täysin balansoitu rakenne. Valittavana joko RCA- tai täysin balansoituna XLR-ulostulomodulilla. Vakiona laadukas äänenvoimakkuustoteutus ja -säätö. Äänenvoimakkuus voidaan myös täysin ohittaa, jos käytetään vain DAC:na. The Discrete Power Supply-virtalähde. Päivitettävissä heti tai myöhemmin toiseen samanlaiseen. Dual-kaksikolla analogi- ja digitaalipiirit ovat omilla virtalähteillä täysin erotettuna toisistaan. Suosittelemme lämpimästi. The Premier Power Base on paras virtalähde, sekin on saatavissa heti tilauksen yhteydessä tai myöhemmin.
Kaksi vaihdettavaa modulipaikkaa tuloliitännöiksi, mm. Audio Renderer, AES/EBU, i2S, opt&koaks&sync, USB with MQA. Vakiona AES/EBU XLR, 2 x optinen & koaksiaali RCA & sync-liitännät
Saatavana hopeisena tai mustana anodisoidulla viimeistelyllä. Hinta sisältää ladattavan, metallisen The MSB Remote-kauko-ohjaimen, arvo 350€.
Lisävarusteena mm.
-Second Discrete Power Supply 1790€
-USB with MQA 1200€
-Pro USB 1200€
-Pro ISL 1200€
-AES/EBU-moduli 1200€
-Audio Renderer streamer-moduli 2390€
The key highlights of both our Hybrid and Prime DAC modules are:
- Fully Balanced design down to the conversion point.
- No buffers, IV converter, or transistors in the signal path. No active devices after conversion at all.
- Dynamically configurable between a discrete native DSD, or discrete native PCM DAC. The DAC has two modes:a multibit PCM mode and a massive parallel single-bit discrete DSD mode.
- Based off a discrete ladder DAC design far beyond the performance of a basic R2R architecture.
- Each DAC module is individually shielded and thermally bonded for a stringent temperature control.
- Multiple DACs per channel for increased performance and lower output impedance.
- Each DAC module is individually tested and then hand-matched with our rigorous automated measurement system.
With two prime DACs, we yield an unprecedented level of detail, reproducing the musicality, soundstage, and texture of an original performance, bringing the artist to you. A fully balanced, ultra-high precision, discrete ladder DAC architecture ensures each note tells a story. Additionally, MSB’s robust in-house design enables the finest quality playback of PCM and native DSD, while our low impedance circuitry drives your amplification directly without adding coloration or buffering noise. The end result is a digital experience defying expectations.
Equipped with high-visibility and a wide viewing angle, the display is both easy-to-read and stunning, exhibiting our love for intuitive features. The LED display, slaved to the audio clock, is refreshed between data processing to drastically reduce electrical interference. The in-house discrete design is then constructed into its own shielded CNC pocket for optimal isolation. Sit back and be immersed.
MSB thrives off the innovation required to meet consumer demands. We’re constantly improving digital input modules to stay at the forefront of the high-end audio industry, ensuring you’re always equipped with the most current digital file formats and interfaces. Focusing on our network renderer and USB input, your audio tech will be on the cutting edge. Put simply, your DAC is ready for the future.
Superior conversion begins with clean and stable low-noise power. The Discrete Power Supply feeds the DAC with dual low-noise power streams that are linear and independent. That’s not all—the CNC unibody aluminum chassis provides the discrete power supply with optimal thermal performance and an elegant design aesthetic. The DAC comes equipped with a single power supply, but can be augmented with a second discrete power supply to enable optimized power isolation between all major components.
Paired with performance increases, our modular design ethos increases flexibility for future updates and product support, guaranteeing a long-term product investment. As you pursue higher levels of playback, an MSB upgrade path is always available to help drive your own desire for innovation. Whether it’s a software update or a leading-edge modular component, we’re here to help the most valued aspect of MSB—our customers.
Elegant yet commanding, our finishes are available in a matte silver or matte black anodize. Replaceable foot guards are included to protect the chassis from damage. Any audiophile M6X1 foot can be installed to optimize your system.
” Outstanding Product. Excellent sound, upgradability and stylish, beautiful build. Hear it if you possible can. ” HI-FI NEWS (Feb 2020)