Nordost Blue Heaven 3 kaiutinkaapelit


1 700,002 100,00 (sis. alv)

Toimitusaika: 6-12 arkipäivää

Uuden Leif 3-sarjan uusittu kaiutinkaapeli Nordostilta. Legendaarisen Blue Heaven-mallin uusin kehitysversio. Blue Heaven 3:ssa on Solid core-rakenteiset johtimet hopeoitua OFC-kuparia. Saatavana Z-ban banaaniliittimillä tai tehdastilauksena haarukoilla. Valmispituudet 2,0m 1180€ – 2,5m 1330€ – 3,0m 1480€. Myös pidempinä +300€/m


When first introduced to the hifi market, Nordost’s flat speaker cables were revolutionary. With their distinctive design and cutting-edge production method, Nordost speaker cables transcended conventional expectations. Now, 30 years later, after several iterations, the Blue Heaven 3 Loudspeaker Cable is still making waves in the industry and remains a highly celebrated, respected audio component. The Blue Heaven Speaker cable is constructed using 18 x 24 AWG silver-plated, solid core, OFC conductors which have undergone an intricate FEP extrusion process to elevate the dielectric properties of the cables. They are then finished using a specialized termination method with gold-plated z-plug banana or spade connectors. The result is a combination of natural, unfettered dynamics and clarity that make your music more accessible, more involving, and more lifelike.



2,0m, 2,5m, 3,0m

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Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP)
Construction: Mechanically tuned spacing
Conductors: 18 x 24 AWG
Material: Silver-plated 99.9999% solid core OFC
Termination: Gold-plated Z-plug Banana or Gold-plated Spade (6.5mm [1/4in] internal, 12mm external) standard.
Large Gold-plated Spade also available (8.5mm internal, 15mm external).