Uuden Leif 3-sarjan kuningasmallin uusin kehitysversio Nordostilta. Red Dawn 3:ssa on Solid core-rakenteiset johtimet hopeoitua OFC-kuparia. Saatavana Z-ban banaaniliittimillä tai tehdastilauksena haarukoilla. Valmispituudet 2,0m 1700€ – 2,5m 1900€ – 3,0m 2100€. Myös pidempinä +400€/m
The most distinctive characteristic throughout the Nordost’s product line is our flat cable design. While visually striking, this design isn’t merely for aesthetic appeal; it’s all about performance enhancement. The flat configuration is a deliberate solution geared towards maximizing sound quality. By adopting a flat geometry, Nordost decreases capacitance, strand interaction, and skin effect within speaker cables, resulting in cleaner, more accurate signal transmission.
Nordost’s Red Dawn 3 Loudspeaker Cables are constructed using 22 x 24 AWG silver-plated, solid core, OFC conductors which have undergone an intricate FEP extrusion process to elevate the dielectric properties of the cables. They are then finished using a specialized termination method with gold-plated z-plug banana or spade connectors. Red Dawn 3 Loudspeaker cables increase the drive and dynamic realism of sonic reproduction, gaining a new level of musicality in your sound system.

” Editor’s Pick. Uncompromising systems craving extra finesse in detail and depth, if so they’re a lifelong investment.” Audiograde (Nov 2024)

” Cabling loom which doesn’t draw attention to itself. Red Dawn 3 delivers a feeling of musical intent and integrity. You’re never left feeling the cable has somehow ’edited’ your musical experience.” HI-FI+ (Feb 2025)