Uuden Leif 3-sarjan edullisin kaiutinkaapeli Nordostilta. Solid core-rakenteiset johtimet hopeoitua OFC-kuparia. Saatavana Z-ban banaaniliittimillä tai tehdastilauksena haarukoilla. Valmispituudet 2,0m 620€ – 2,5m 660€ – 3,0m 700€. Myös pidempinä +80€/m
One of Nordost’s most distinctive product features is the unique, flat design of our loudspeaker cables. This design isn’t just about standing out; it’s a performance-driven solution. Flat cables sound better. Their perceived simplicity is a uniquely elegant answer to the conflicting requirements for low resistance, capacitance, and inductance that limit the performance of more conventional cable configurations. Nordost’s White Lightning 3 Loudspeaker Cable is constructed using 12 x 24 AWG, silver-plated, solid core OFC conductors which have undergone an intricate FEP extrusion process to elevate the dielectric properties of the cables. As a final touch, White Lightning 3 Loudspeaker Cables are precision terminated with gold-plated z-plug banana or spade connectors. Nordost’s introductory loudspeaker cable increases the drive and dynamic realism of sonic reproduction, giving a new level of musicality to your sound system.