Kimber Naked on Kimber Kablen uuden innovaation tulos – paras koskaan tehty analoginen välikaapeli Utahista.
Ultrapuhtaat kuparisäikeet, jotka on päällystetty palladiumilla ja kullalla korroosion ehkäisemiseksi. Eristeenä puuvilla, jonka eristävyysominaisuudet ovat omaa luokkaansa verrattuna muihin materiaaleihin.
Huippuluokan liittimet. Saatavana XLR- ja RCA-versiona.
Hinta 1,0m parille. Saatavana myös muilla pituuksilla 0,5m – 0,75m – 1,5m jne.
Conductor vulnerability allows free expression of all the music’s delicate details. The allure and passion of the soundstage is exposed. Excitement is met with anticipation as the layers of infidelity are removed and music is revealed in its true form.
Naked conductors are uninsulated 24AWG solid core copper. These copper conductors have been plated with a thick layer of palladium followed by a thick layer of gold to protect against corrosion. The use of palladium as an intermetallic diffusion barrier opposed to nickel prevents distortions that would be introduced via the magnetic properties of nickel.
While it is possible to plate gold directly over copper the two metals will diffuse into one another forming alloy components. These alloy components have very poor conductivity.
Cotton possesses excellent dielectric properties in respect to signal fidelity. This parameter is commonly referred to as the dielectric constant. Cotton has a value of 1.3 (1 is the ideal) 2-5 are the common values for most insulating polymers. For example Fluorocarbon has a value of 2.1 and Polyethylene a value of 2.25.
Naked accomplishes the same goals as a traditional insulated conductor.
- Inhibition of corrosion: Naked conductors are protected from corrosion through our palladium/gold plating process.
- Short circuit prevention: To prevent the 6 uninsulated(per channel) ”Naked” conductors from touching causing a short circuit the conductors have been carefully braided with cotton strands. The cotton strands both separate and secure the conductors.

” Editor’s Choice. With Kimber’s Naked in tow, I had never heard this recording any more sympathetically reproduced. ” Paul Miller / HI-FI NEWS (March 2022)