Heimdall 2 Tonearm Cable + on Nordostin uuden + -sarjan välikaapeli levysoittimen ja RIAA-vahvistimen väliin. Laaja taajuuskaista, nopea ja avoin ääni. Hyvä häiriösuojaus. Erillissuojaus oikean ja vasemman kanavan johtimille. Patentoitu Micro Mono-Filament rakenne. Uusi maadoitusratkaisu tuplamaajohdoin. Saatavana suora DIN-, kulma DIN- , RCA- ja XLR-liittimin.
Pituus 1,25m 1100€. Tehdastilauksena myös pituudet 1,75m – 2,25m jne. +150€/0,5m
The tonearm lead is one of the most critical audio cables in an analog system. As such, it demands a purpose-built, low capacitance conduit, in order to maximize the authentic and natural musical reproduction that LPs offer.
The Heimdall 2 Tonearm Cable + is virtually noiseless, with rapid transmission speed and the highest bandwidth capabilities, thanks to its twisted pair design, individualized shielding, and Nordost’s proprietary Micro Mono-Filament technology. It also employs a separately shielded, silver-plated bond wire, wrapped in Micro Mono-Filament, to minimize noise from the line. However, the most exciting aspect of this cable design is its revolutionary grounding solution. Nordost has introduced detachable ground whips, complete with Micro Mono-Filament technology, that further eliminate any noise that could be introduced during signal transfer, regardless of the unique construction of the components found in each individual sound system.

“I am really drawn into the musicality of the performance, which is both energetic and refined…The instrument focus and clarity are both excellent and the soundstage is expansive…the bass is powerful and punchy and the drums and hi-hats are crisp, tight and engaging…I can’t fault the performance of the Heimdall 2, it’s a safe investment for any high-end audio system.”
– Neville Roberts, Hi-Fi Choice