iFi Nova-virtakaapelin rakenteessa on viisi johdinta, joista jokainen on valmistettu jatkuvavaletusta OFHC-kuparista. Siinä on happivapaa korkea lämmönjohtavuus ja sen johtimet järjestetty geometrisesti tasapainotettuun kokoonpanoon.
Keskelle sijoitetun maadoitusjohtimen ympärille on sijoitettu kaksi paria jännitteisiä ja kaksi paria nollajohtimia. Lisäksi toinen pari ilmadielektrisiä erottimia on järjestetty maadoitusjohtimen kummallekin puolelle pitäen kaksi jännitteisten ja nollajohtimien paria erillään. Tämä ratkaisu lisää myös kaapelin dielektristä suorituskykyä ja rakenteellista lujuutta.
iFi Nova-kaapelin pituus on 1.8m
The Nova incorporates five conductors, each made from heavy-gauge, continuous-cast OFHC (Oxygen-Free High Thermal Conductivity) copper, arranged in a geometrically balanced configuration – highly unusual at such a price point.
Two pairs of live and neutral conductors are arranged either side of the earth conductor, which is positioned at the centre of the cable. A further pair of air-dielectric delineators – essentially polymer matrix tubes filled with air – are arranged either side of the earth conductor, keeping the two pairs of live and neutral conductors apart whilst improving the cable’s overall dielectric performance and constructive solidity.
The cable is finished with a tough yet flexible polymer outer sheath and iFi’s bespoke audiophile-grade connectors, complete with 24ct gold plated oxygen-free copper conductors.
As already mentioned, the Nova incorporates five conductors, each made from heavy-gauge, continuous-cast OFHC (Oxygen-Free High Thermal Conductivity) copper, arranged in a geometrically balanced configuration.
Two pairs of live and neutral conductors are arranged either side of the earth conductor, which is positioned at the centre of the cable. The ground conductor is arranged in a shotgun configuration and not twisted around like other mains cables. The live and neutral conductors are arranged in a truly balanced configuration, hence their magnetic fields cancel each other out perfectly.
As a result, there is no residual magnetic field being applied to the centre ground conductor, and no unwanted induced voltage on the Ground conductor – we call this design Ground Zero.