Nordost Q Base 8 Mark III


2 499,002 699,00 (sis. alv)

Toimitusaika: 2-5 arkipäivää

Q Base 8 Mark III on uusin ja kehttynein jakoblokki virtapuolen optimointiin ja puhdistukseen. Star-Earth Topology-tähtimaaverkko, jolla kaikki Q Base 8 Mark III:n liitetyt laitteet saadaan maadoitettua samaan maapotentiaaliin. Erittäin tehokkaasti toisistaan erotetut maa- ja virtapiirit. Sisäinen kaapelointi Nordost Mono-Filament rakenteella.

Tuloksena parempi äänikuva, ”musta” tausta ja tonaalinen rikkaus ja syvemmät sävyt.

Saatavana 10A ja 16A versioina.

Lisävarusteena Stand Mount-jalat lattia- tai seinäasennukseen 139€/pari. Näiden avulla alle sopivat Sort Kone-sarjan laitetassut, joilla ääni paranee entisestään


The QBASE Mark III is an elegant yet simple concept that provides the solid foundation that audio components require in order to create and expand upon any high-performing two-channel system. Nordost’s AC Distribution Unit addresses the noise-inducing, conflicting flows of signal and ground paths within a hifi system by using a unique method called ”star-earth topology”.

Star-earth topology connects all outlets from one central point (or outlet) to the input. In the QBASE, we do this while additionally lifting the impedance level on every outlet, except for the one deemed ”Primary Earth”. Elevating the ground in this passive manner achieves three indispensable effects: it creates an uninterrupted, straight-line AC distribution path from the wall to each individual component, isolates each component by deterring the ground flow between them, and eliminates conflicting flow between signal and ground paths, all without any form of in-line filtering or active circuitry.

QBASE Mark III units are comprised of a mechanically tuned, extruded aluminum body, outfitted with highly durable connectors which have been specifically engineered to maintain excellent connectivity after extended use. The Mark III model features a dual-level PC-board configuration which separates all ground connections from the line and neutral traces, consequently minimizing any interference or crosstalk between live/neutral and ground currents. Additionally, the construction and trace geometry of each PC-board has been vastly optimized to include enhanced trace sizes, further maximizing current flow and crosstalk, and each QBASE Mark III is internally wired with Nordost Mono-Filament wire. Lastly, a resistance “sink” adds protection and more effectively damps eddy currents.

The QBASE Mark III impacts every component connected to it, improving each one in unique ways. The effect it has on a system is all encompassing— enhancing the 3D imaging on the soundstage, pulling out tonal richness and sustained decay time in the music, and imparting a clear increase of power while maintaining a neutral and effortless delivery of the performance.

” The latest QB8 should open the window on your recordings wider than ever before, not least because its benefits spread across every component in your system, allowing every single one to work better.”  Roy Gregory / GY8

” An easy recommendation, indeed. ”  Neil Gader / THE ABSOLUTE SOUND (April 2024)

” Editor’s Choice Award 2024 ”  The Absolute Sound

” It’s not an inexpensive solution, but if you consider it an upgrade to your sources and amplification, it’d be hard to get this much improvement for a similar outlay anywhere else. ” HI-FI+ (Aug 2024)

”Backgrounds were marked by dead-calm silence. Increased low-level detail. Greater image stability and an increase in the clarity, detail and pacing of musical instruments. Tonal balance was improved.”  – Q Base MK III & Q Sine & Q Wave –  THE ABSOLUTE SOUND (Dec 2024)

” Product of the Year 2025 – AC Power Product of the Year ”  The Absolute Sound



10A liitin, 16A liitin

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Dimensions (HxD):

QB4 (US, EU and AUS) – 234 x 67 x 120mm
QB6 (UK ) – 460 x 67 x 120mm
QB8 (US, EU and AUS) – 460 x 67 x 120mm


C-14 IEC (15/10amp)
C-20 IEC (20/16amp)
Output: US, EU (Schuko), Australian or 13A UK
Fuse: Yes