Marten Parker Duo on uuden Parker-sarjan huippukaiutin jalustalle.
Parker Duo on kokoluokkansa uusi referenssi. Täysin Martenille kustomoidut keraamiset elementit. Uusi resonanssivapaa, monikerrosrakenteinen M-board kotelo. Passiivisäteilijä-elementti takaseinässä mahdollistaa bassotoiston parhaan mahdollisen kontrollin ja dynamiikan. Huippuluokan jakosuodin, niin suunnittelultaan kuin toteutukseltaan ja komponenttien laadultaan. Jorma Design sisäinen kaapelointi, ultrapuhtaasta kuparista, käsityönä Ruotsissa valmistettu.
Tuloksena käsinkosketeltavan avoin, puhdas, läpinäkyvä, dynamikkariittoinen ääni. Jonka voit kokea vain kuuntelemalla Parker Duo-paria.
Viimeistelyvaihtoehdot – mattapähkinä, pianopähkinä, pianovalkoinen ja pianomusta.
Lisävarusteena Parker Duo Stand-jalustat – sh.2990€/pari. Kolme lujarakenteista pilaria, metallinen alalaippa ja alla IsoAcoustic-vaimennustassut.
Saatavana myös Marten Parker Duo Diamond Edition – timanttidiskantti, Jorma Design Statement-kaapelointi, vielä paremmat suodinkomponentit ja liittimet. Hinta 23900€ pari
Pianomusta mallipari (pintavika), jalustoilla tai ilman, specialhintaan – kysy tarjous!
Parker elevates our loudspeakers in this class to a whole new level.
With custom designed technology and perfectly balanced build techniques, Parker Duo is new in every way, but remains faithful to the Marten way of recreating sound as it is in life. With extreme resonance reduction, the cabinet is truly free of the soundstage, letting music and emotion take centre stage.
The cabinet features sleek, tapering sides created from M-board, a multi-layered material offering extreme resonance reduction. Parker Duo is so resonance-free, it completely disappears within the soundstage. The newly designed cabinet balances visual appeal with low-impact on sound.
Ceramic drivers are custom designed by Leif Olofsson to meet the needs of a loudspeaker in this class. Each unit has a very long linear excursion and utilises the powerful Neodynium magnet system for control. Custom designed components allows a more holistic way of building a system, making Parker Duo a super-refined Marten speaker.
Designed for the system, the 7.5” bass/midrange ceramic driver offers a large surface area resulting in a large, precise soundstage and great dynamics. While the passive radiator gives the control and dynamics needed for Parker Duo. A speaker of this class demands the ultimate in bass response.
A multi-diverse crossover technique was developed through hours of listening and testing, plus rigorous simulation, calculation and measurement. We’ve really put the work in with this crossover, using the best components and precisely tuning it to work with the system.
We use Jorma Design internal wiring, for its exemplary quality and performance. Handmade in Sweden, the cables use separate + and – for enhanced shielding and the highest quality Copper. This offers natural, transparent sound; the perfect choice for our speakers.
Cables are integral components, so they must work harmoniously with our precision design and build. Jorma Design delivers exactly what a Marten speaker demands.
The optional stand is Marten designed so it works in concert with Parker Duo. Three extremely rigid pillars are mounted on a steel base plate which is weighted for stability.
The new Marten pucks by IsoAcoustics reduce resonance further, freeing the speaker of the soundstage while delivering controlled sound and detailed, rich bass.
Parker Duo can be upgraded to Diamond Edition, featuring a Diamond tweeter, more advanced crossover components, improved terminals and Jorma Statement internal cables. All models in the Parker series can be elevated to the ultimate in premium loudspeakers.

” Aika lailla auktoriteettia. Auktoriteetin tunnun suhteen kaiutin saattaa hyvinkin olla kuulemistani kokoluokkansa valio. Uskottavuuden osatekijöistä olennaisin lienee bassotoisto, joka Parker Duossa on sekä voimakas että kontrolloitu. Soundi oli joka katsannossa odottamattoman painokas ja vaivattoman vapautunut. Akustisten instrumenttien luontaiset äänensävyt välittyivät hyvin. Lauluäänten karaktäärit ja fraseerausten nyanssit ovat kuin tarjolla ottaa ja tutkia. Erityisen hyvin toistuvat laulustemmat. Kun vaakakuppiin asetetaan erikoistilauksesta valmistetut, laadukkaat elementit, tasokas sisäinen johdotus ja hienosti viimeistelty, käytännössä resonoimaton kotelo, vaaka alkaa kummasti kallistua Martenin suuntaan. Hinnalle katetta. ” Jaakko Eräpuu / HIFIMAAILMA (7/2021)
“In theory, no matter how powerful the bookshelf speaker is, it is impossible to decathlon, but Marten Parker Duo actually broke this limit. Its low-frequency energy source is endless, and its scale is surprisingly wide and powerful enough to compete with medium-sized floor speakers. The point is that its sound quality is superb, even when compared to the top speakers I have ever heard. Owning a Parker Duo is equivalent to using the most reasonable price to condense the most beautiful characteristics of Marten speakers into a bookshelf-shaped cabinet. There is no doubt that Parker Duo is definitely the most powerful bookcase speaker king I have ever heard.”
Wen |Tao Zhonghao ART AUDIO
“Beautifully, gracefully accurate. Gently, brutally honest. Musical, endlessly enjoyable”
“In a lot of ways, they are the best speakers I have reviewed to date full stop. That includes all the floor standing speakers too…”
“There was just a certain energy and a certain verve and a certain life to music that really stood out….”
Marten Parker Duo Diamond Edition Terry Ellis / Pursuit Perfect System
” Stereo Sound Grand Prix 2020 ” -arvostetun japanilaisen Stereo Sound-julkaisun palkinto Marten Parker Duo Diamond Edition-kaiuttimille

” Tämän numeron vertailua tehdessä yksi kaiutin oli kaikilla kuuntelijoilla ykkössijalla. Minulle Marten Parker Duo tarjosi ainoana tätä kuuntelun taikaa, vaikka joukko oli monilla mittareilla erittäin kovatasoinen. ” Mauri Eronen / HIFIMAAILMA (3/2023)