System Audion Saxo 6 on korkeudeltaan ja leveydeltään A4-kokoinen kaiutin seinälle. Syvyys vain 11cm. Ääni suunniteltu toimimaan seinässä kiinni myös bassotoiston osalta. Herkkäliikkeinen bassoelementti tuottaa nopean ja tarkan toiston. Patentoitu DXT-linssi diskantti-elementin ympärillä.
Valkoinen ja musta. Myös etukankaan väri valittavissa valkoinen tai musta.
Huom! Hinta/kpl
Designed to work by a wall
SA saxo 6 is designed to work under the acoustic conditions that apply close to a wall.
It uses the laws of acoustics to its advantage when placed by the wall. The bass gets deeper and the sound is richer, without vibration being transmitted to the wall.
That’s why SA saxo 6 sounds bigger than it is.
Specially designed drive units
We have designed the drive units for SA saxo 6 from scratch. It is one of the reasons for the big sound.
Notice, the patented acoustic DXT lens that surrounds the tweeter. It ensures that your living room is covered with sound. This means that you get the same great sound experience wherever you are in the room.
Also notice the woofer membrane. It is made of extremely lightweight materials. The lightness of the membrane makes the sound cleaner and clearer than usual because the membrane works with greater precision.

” Pieni mutta hyvä. System Audio Saxo 6 osoittautui luokassaan erinomaiseksi seinäkaiuttimeksi. ” AV Plus (4/2021)