Langaton Sonus faber-uutuus. Duetto on syntynyt Sonus faberin 40 vuoden intohimosta musiikkiin.
Aktiivikaiutin, jossa tinkimätön äänenlaatu kohtaa upean tyylikkään ulkoasun ja viimeistelyn. Luonnollista ääntä pienessä koossa tarjoileva Duetto pitää sisällään huolellisesti valitut laatukomponentit – neljä vahvistinyksikköä, laadukkaat kaiutinelementit, luutunmuotoinen luja kotelo sekä monipuoliset ohjaus- ja liitäntämahdollisuudet.
TIDAL Connect, Spotify, Roon Ready, AirPlay, Bluetooth, Chromecast ym. Monipuoliset liitännät, HDMI ARC, optinen, analoginen aux tai phono-levysoittimelle sekä subwoofer-ulostulo. Vahvistinteho yht.350W
Kauko-ohjain. Käyttö Sonus faber App-sovelluksen avulla
Viimeistelyt pähkinä ja grafiitti
Lisävarusteena tyylikkäät, tukevat ja sirot jalustat 749€/pari
Duetto nyt myymälässä!
Duetto is Sonus faber’s first active stereo wireless loudspeaker system. Duetto combines 40 years of high-fidelity audio engineering with Sonus faber’s signature design queues in a compact system.
Duetto’s crossover design uses four on-board amplifiers and high-quality drivers. This unique configuration delivers power and sonic nuance unparalled in the wireless audio world, particularly for low frequencies.
Duetto’s lute-shaped wood cabinet takes design queues from musical instruments.
The cabinet and custom-designed heatsink guarantee timbre and musicality while avoiding internal resonance, creating the Sonus faber signature Natural Sound.
Duetto is expertly designed for both the analog and digital worlds. Duetto is WiFi Certified, featuring full capability for digital connection to popular audio streamers such as AirPlay, Chromecast, Tidal, Spotify, and Bluetooth. Using HDMI and optical inputs, it easily connects to televisions, turntables, and active subwoofers.
Inherited from its predecessor, Omnia, SENSO™ is the leather top panel that allows the user to control and set up the speaker functions, such as volume, input selection, and connections. The buttonless interface allows users to pilot the playback and connection functions through simple finger swipe.
Duetto is fixed with Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology that enables communication between the two speakers. The wireless transmission avoids latency and interference in the connection by other home networks. This technology also guarantees a wide frequency spectrum to send data signals at high speeds.
The Sonus faber app controls wireless products such as Duetto and Omnia. The app allows users to customize settings and easily configure listening and connection parameters. Its intuitive use allows for the best possible home listening experience.

” The Sonus faber ties everything together with a real sense of unity and commonality, creating a large and persuasive soundstage from which to communicate. Its sense of authority and its powers of organisation is/are considerable.” HI-FI + (May 2024)