QR5 on tanskalaisen Audiovector:n QR-sarjan tyylikäs ja hienoääninen lattiakaiutin. 3-tie rakenne, neljä elementtiä. Air Motion Tweeter-nauhadiskantti Audiovector:n tapaan. Tukeva kotelo. Tasapainoinen ääni sopii pitkiinkin kuuntelusessioihin.
Upea viimeistely. Yksityiskohtana mainittakoon yhdestä Space Grade Aluminium – alumiinista muotoiltu diskantin suuntain, joka on lasikuulapuhallettu, harjattu ja anodisoitu kauniiksi Tungsten Titanic Grey -harmaaksi.
Kaiuttimien mukana tulee magneettikiinnitteiset etukankaat.
Värit: Satiinivalkoinen ja pianolakattu musta tai tumma pähkinä (matta).
Mallipari (pianomusta) specialhintaan 2990€
The QR 5 is now the biggest speaker in the QR series and by far the best performer. The perfectly detailed and sweet treble promises endless hours of musical joy without fatiguing your ears. The powerful and dynamic bass will allow any recording to sound lifelike and at its very best.
The fascia plate is machined from a single piece of Aerospace Grade Aluminum. It has been precision machined, glass blasted, brushed and then anodized in a beautiful Tungsten Titanium Grey color. It features a rose gold plated dispersion mesh, which works as an S-Stop filter.
This new Audiovector drive unit has the ability to work like a perfect piston over several octaves of the frequency band without the distortion normally found in aluminum/diamond drive units. This means music sounds warm, precise and detailed, yet dynamic and musical.

”The QR5 is a relaxed and refined loudspeaker; it has wide bandwidth and an easy delivery that’s the perfect antidote to all those bright and zingy little boxes. Refinement is a rare thing in audio and in the QR5 that sophisticated sound does good things for tonal richness; voices sound fabulous, maybe a little bit rich, but more in a satisfying way than blurring the subtleties of expression and phrasing. In particular, the tweeter is fabulously smooth and effortless, which means that nothing grates even with less sophisticated recordings, where some adroit added charm can be a real boon…”
Jason Kennedy / HI-FI+ (4/2019)
“QR5 is not just a more powerful copy of the QR3 model, with an additional woofer. They are beautiful, finished work. Combining fire and water? Well, maybe with a slight fire advantage, but yes, even with such a statement I could agree. Are you going to say that I go too far in these theoretical? It’s possible, but that’s how I got the sound of Danish floor-standing. It was strong, specific, dynamic and full-band, and at the same time well-balanced, consistent and natural…”
StereoLife, Puola

” Ein panorama der Luxusklasse. Preis/Leistung:Uberragend ” AUDIO (7/2019)

” Bra köp! ” HIFI & MUSIK (9/2019)

” Editor’s Choice 2020 ” HI-FI +

” Suosittelemme ***** ” HIFIMAAILMA (6/2021)