Gradient 1.4 on Gradientin kauan odotettu uutuuskaiutin. Samalla Gradient 1.4 on ikonisen 1.-sarjan uusin tulokas ja suomalainen avainlipputuote.
Pitkään kehitetty koaksiaalinen elementti kardioidi-suuntakuviolla. Gradient 1.4. on valmistettu Gradientin vaatimusten mukaan Norjassa by SEAS.
Pallon muotoiseen resistanssikoteloon asennettu elementti säteilee vastakkaisvaiheisena ääntä taaksepäin jopa 20dB vaimentuneena – vain 1% äänienergiasta. Tuloksena luonnollinen ääni jota ei huone pääse pilaamaan.
Refleksikoteloitu 220mm pitkäiskuinen bassoelementti on sylinterinmuotoisen kotelon pohjassa. Refleksitunneli ja -aukko on muotoiltu niin että haitallisia puhallus- ja sivuääniä ei pääse muodostumaan isommillakaan kuuntelutasoilla.
Viimeistely valkoinen tai musta. Valittavissa erikseen ylä- ja alosan värit ja ritilän väri.
It was just 35 years ago when we decided to take our own way and not to follow anyone else. Not to fall industry conventions and evident solutions. With one single goal: to design a loudspeaker that sounds excellent in all kinds of rooms.
During the centenary of Finland’s independence Gradient added another chapter to the legendary Gradient 1.-line.
The sprit of the Gradient 1. – speakers combined with the inventions we have made during these years make the 1.4 a real unique loudspeaker, destined to become an instant classic.
The first coaxial structure in our speaker elements was carried out in Revolution model, launched in 1993. Thereafter, several versions of the coaxial speaker elements developed together with Seas have been used in our loudspeakers.
The new Gradient 1.4 is the first speaker utilizing our latest coaxial technology made exclusively for Gradient in Norway. A 176mm pre-coated reed paper cone cone handles frequencies up to 2500Hz. High frequencies from 2500Hz to over 20kHz are reproduced by a 25mm Al/Mg-dome tweeter placed at the apex of the midrange cone. Such a point source is generally accepted as an ideal sound source for its excellent phase and amplitude response. The end result is an extremely accurate, stable and three dimensional soundstage.
To minimize reflections from the speaker cabinet, the coaxial element is mounted in a spherical enclosure. The sphere is an ideal form with no structural interfaces and discontinuities.
Still Gradient is not Gradient without something completely new and unique. From the very beginning it was clear that the new Gradient 1.4 will utilize our acoustic resistance enclosure – technology, like used in many previous Gradient models. Now this is made as ideal as possible: Symmetric spherical housing leaks “anti sound” from the opening behind the sphere, cancelling back radiation and early reflections from the surfaces behind the loudspeaker.
The backward radiation of the Gradient 1.4 is attenuated by 20dB at mid frequencies which is only one percentage of the total sound energy.
In a nutshell: the room influence to the sound remains very small giving the Gradient 1.4 a very similar sound characteristic in many different rooms.
Low frequencies below 200 Hz are reproduced by a bassreflex enclosure tuned at 27Hz. Large crossection area of the reflex tunnel guarantees no breathing noise even at high sound levels.
220mm long throw woofer made by Seas in Norway is facing towards the floor. The woofer has an extremely stiff aluminium cone giving tremendous bass precision.
Every aspect of the speaker form has a meaning. Acoustic design and function determine the shape. There is nothing more to add – there is nothing left to take away.
The cabinet of the speaker is made of advanced technopolymer in Finland. Together with the ideal form of the speaker exceptional combination of stiffness and rigidness is obtained to eliminate cabinet vibrations.
The finishing of the speaker cabinet, available in graphite black and white, is durable providing easy to clean and long-lasting surface. For years to come.

” Onnistunut juhlamalli. Gradientin ääni on ilmava ja avara, ja sen välittämässä tilavaikutelmassa on mukavasti myös syvyyttä. Sointitasapaino on rauhallinen ja pääosin neutraali, mutta siinä on musikkin niin vaatiessa myös eloisuutta ja iskevyyttä. Diskantti on heleä ja yksityiskohtia paljastava, mutta ei hyökkäävä. ” HIFIMAAILMA (4/2018)

” Jokseenkin täydellinen. Kouluarvosana 10 – ” Tekniikan Maailma (22/2018)

” Absolute Spitzenklasse. Highlight, Preis/Leistung: Sehr Gut ” STEREOPLAY (2/2020)

” Editor’s Choice Award 2024 ” The Absolute Sound