Totemin keskiraskasta sarjaa. Isoa ja aineetonta ääntä pienessä koossa – Totemin tapaan.
Rytmikäs, tarkka iso ääni. Ja bassotoisto joka ei jätä kylmäksi. Stereophilen Recommended-listoilla vuodesta toiseen. Musta, valkoinen, kirsikka ja mahonki.
Enter the realm
Pulse, speed and dynamic contrasts all add up to a tingling surprise factor that borders on the surreal.
At ease with all types of music, the Forest opens up corridors of new experiences.
Whether youre listening in stereo, multi-channel audio, or a high quality A/V application, Forest speakers bring forth a synergy between spatial cues, imaging and powerful dynamics that go beyond what is expected of any speaker
- Aerodynamic rounded front baffle
Flush-mounted drivers
Angled rear baffle - Irreproachable bi-wireable W.B.T. terminals
The industry standard - Claws standard revolutionary floor interface supports
Control cabinet resonance
Gently and musically decouple speakers - Lock-mitred monocoque chassis
Unique in the industry
Expensive to produce - Extensive cross-bracing and radical angle internal floor
- Borosilicate damping
- Innovative porting allows for incredible extension and overall coherence
- Specially modified proprietary drivers