Audiovectorin QR-sarjan aktiivisubwoofer.
Yhdellä 10″ aktiivisella elementillä sekä passiivisella 10″ elementillä toteutettu basso. Kokoaan suurempi ja ulotteikkaampi bassotoisto ulottuu 20 hertsiin asti. Kytkettävissä sekä vahvistimesi pre out tai sub-liitäntään (RCA) että kaiutinliitäntään.
Kaiuttimen mukana toimitetaan magneettikiinnitteinen suojaritilä elementin eteen. Vakiovarusteena myös 5m pituinen kaapeli kaiutinliitäntään speakon-liittimellä.
Tyylikäs satiinivalkoinen-, pianolakattu musta- tai pähkinäviimeistely.
The Audiovector Pure piston dual magnet bass drive units have the ability to work like a perfect piston over several octaves of the frequency band without the distortion normally found in aluminium/diamond drive units. This means music sounds warm, precise, and detailed, yet dynamic and musical.
Precision in Power and Flexibility. Featuring an exceptionally Controlled 10” Bass Driver and Downward-Firing Passive Driver for the Deepest Frequencies. Connect Directly to Your Amplifier
The QR Sub sports an exceptionally controlled and powerful 10” bass driver in combination with a downward-firing passive driver for the very lowest frequencies. Via its powerful internal amplifier, it is extremely flexible and can be connected directly to your loudspeakers or amplifier.
High level Speakon cable included 1 x 5 m.
With the addition of the powerful QR C SE, the detailed QR 1/3/7 SE, and the easily placed QR Wall SE, we are proud to deliver a very strong and powerful home cinema speaker solution.

” If you want refinement, enchancement to your loudspeakers, and some deft underpinning of the bottom end, the QR Sub subwoofer comes highly recommended. ” Alan Sircom / HI-FI+ (Oct 2017)
– edellinen QR Sub-malli