REL:n uusitun T/x-sarjan järein aktiivisubwoofer musiikin- ja leffan ystävälle. Tx-sarjan tapaan entistä parempi elementti ja tukevampi kotelo. Kymmenentuumainen, pitkäiskuinen elementti ja 10″ passiivisäteilijä. Valmius langattoman signaalin vastaanottoon REL Arrow:n (lisävaruste 249€) avulla. 300W AB-luokan laatuvahvistin.
Lisää ala-äänet, joihin kaiuttimesi ei pysty. Lisää myös alaharmoniset äänet, jolloin kaiuttimiesi toistamat perusäänetkin saavat seurakseen niihin kuuluvat sävyt, timbren ja soinnin. REL:n tapaan kytketään mukana tulevalla kaapelilla kaiutinlinjaan musiikinkuuntelua varten stereotoistossa. Lisäksi RCA-tulo monikanavakuunteluun ja/tai LFE-kanavaa varten.
Kahdella REL T/9x-subbarilla saat erinomaisen bassotoiston kohtuuhinnalla – samalla seisovien aaltojen voimakkuus huoneessa pienenee.
Viimeistelyt pianovalkoinen, pianomusta ja pianoharmaa.
Nyt myös SE-versio Italian Racing Red, oranssi ja keltainen hintaan 1749€ (SE-versiot saatavilla vain rajoitetun ajan!)
To achieve higher output with better control requires a complete overhaul of the suspension components. Much like the suspension on a sports car, these items are responsible for the tuning and feel of our designs. By increasing the cabinet volume, efficiency is improved yielding higher output for no more amplifier power. Less back pressure inside the cabinet means we can tune for a stiffer, better controlled driver suspension. We retained the best aspects of our previous design, such as the aluminum center cap responsible for stiffening the lightweight 10” (250mm) cone while adding almost no mass. The updated combination produces considerably better attack and dynamics with greater transparency.
We have retained our signature Class A/B amplifiers used in every generation of Serie T since 2006. Reliability is the key to happy ownership and with some 200,000 and counting of this range leading long happy lives, Serie T/x owners can feel certain of REL’s standard setting reliability. The powerful 300 watt mosfet amplifier used in the T/9x remains an icon with huge reserves of current, massive power supplies but small upgrades are found everywhere. New driver mosfets that open up performance and transparency and new methods for securing the toroidal transformers mean better performance and superior strength.
REL’s legendary High Level Input connection and fast filters are a significant part of the REL story. Connecting via the speaker outputs of your amplifier without drawing any power from it may seem like magic, but the real magic lies in the way the sound takes on a natural character. Unique tuning and special limiters means the T/x range sounds fresher, faster and more dynamic than before.

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