Tribe Tower on kanadalaisen valmistajan viimeisin taidonnäyte tuottamaan uskomattoman iso, irtonainen ja musikaalinen ääni erittäin sirossa ja pienessä ulkoasussa.
Vakuuttavaa laatua ja toteutusta komponenteissa – mm. ainutlaatuiset, käsintehdyt Torrent-bassoelementit, jotka eivät vaadi jakosuotimeen komponentteja ollenkaan! Tuloksena erinomaista äänen avoimuutta, optimaalista vaihekäyttäytymistä ja äänen ajoitusta.
Tukeva, ylöspäin kapeneva, tyylikäs kotelo lock mitered-kulmaliitoksin ja borosilikaatti-vaimennettuna.
Neljä viimeistelyä; satiinivalkoinen ja mattamusta 6999€/pari – pianovalkoinen ja pianomusta 7999€/pari.
Beauty and Power
Conventional wisdom tells us beauty and power are doomed to mutual exclusivity. But Totem Acoustic does not make conventional speakers, nor follow pre-existing beliefs. The Tribe Tower disproves these old adages, presenting a slim, seductive form that belies its formidable, compelling ability.
The Tribe Tower represents the culmination of wisdom acquired through the research and development of the award-winning Tribe and Element series. Packing revolutionary Torrent technology into a striking cabinet, it has the performance, versatility, and style that appeals to the audiophile and designer in all of us.
They musically energize a room and bring every sound to vivid, three-dimensional life, from the subtlest whisper to complex symphonies. Satin Black and White finishes are equipped with twin pairs of gold plated terminals while premium Dusk and Ice multi coat polyester paint finishes have Bi-Wireable WBT connectors and annealed aluminum terminal plates.
Design features
- Unique geometric design with no parallel surfaces
- Remarkably small footprint and overall cabinet enclosure
- Phase perfected rake angle
- Matching magnetic grills
- Adjustable aluminum, rounded acoustic decoupling
- Available in white or black Satin and Design multicoated polyester finishes
Technical features
- 4-inch proprietary Torrent hand built drivers with revolutionary magnetic field technology
- No active or passive crossover in the low frequency path
- Revolutionary magnetic field technology
- Laser etched textile dome tweeter with ½ inch thick metal faceplate
- Annealed Aluminum rear terminal plates and Bi-Wireable WBT 4 way connectors
- Industry unique Borosilicate dampening

” Kokoistaan isompi. Soljuvuutta ja sykintää. Ääni ei jää kaiutinten lähistölle pyörimään vaan täyttää – äänitteen niin salliessa – vaikka lähes koko etuseinän ilman pistemäistä pikkutarkkuutta. Solakan paalun salaisuus piilee siinä, miten vakuuttavaa ja laadukasta soundia voikaan saada mittasuhteiltaan ja toteutukseltaan minimalistisesta kaiuttimesta, jos panostaa oleelliseen ja satsaa vähän enemmän. ” Jaakko Eräpuu / HIFIMAAILMA (2/2018)
”Appreciate all its potential. For home speakers, the people have made it clear that the two main features they desire most is versatility and versatility. Not just to excel with a wide range of music, but how it integrates into the home. Few companies truly consider how to combine the two and make their speakers look and sound beautiful, let alone offer such tremendous value. The unimposing floor-standing footprint of the Tribe Tower is actually similar in size as a bookshelf speaker on a stand, but it’s low frequency extension goes all the way down to 30 Hz, far past the ability any bookshelf. Audio fans, there is endless potential with the Tribe Tower.” AUDIO ART, Taiwan

” They have a wonderfully cohesive sound that balances detail, refinement and attack well. These are rhythmic performers that make the most of the insistent beat while still communicating the feeling and intensity in Laurie Anderson’s distinctive vocal superbly. The big surprise is how these slim speakers handle bass. These speakers don’t aim for an analytical balance – placing more importance on timing, dynamics and general coherence. The soundstage is decently expansive and nicely layered, with a pleasing sense of depth. ” WHAT HI-FI (March 2020)

HI-FI+ Loudspeaker Hall of Fame 2024