Goldring E1


79,00 (sis. alv)

Toimitusaika: 2-5 arkipäivää

Goldring E-sarjan edullisin äänirasia. Pyöreä neulahionta. Reilu 3,5mV ulostulojännite. Sopii parhaiten keskiraskaisiin ja raskaisiin äänivarsiin. 1/2″ ruuvikiinnitys.


Magnetic Duplex Technology™

All cartridges in the range feature Magnetic Duplex Technology™-a ’dual magnet’ generator assembly with an identical geometry to that of the original cutting head. This means it can more accurately reproduce the stereo information in the record groove, providing better channel separation and a more involving and musical sound stage.

Expert Adjustment

The E-series cartridges have been designed to allow micro-adjustments to be made during production using a special adjustment screw. This means the cartridge can be safely installed in a typical turntable because the angle that the stylus makes with the record surface has been pre-set. The result is an optimised channel balance with zero degrees of horizontal tracking adjustment required. This ensures a consistent and reassuring performance for the life of the product.


Featuring spherical styli with a choice of cantilevers, the E1 and E2 models are ideal as an upgrade to any budget, pre-fitted or obsolete cartridge. The E3 model with its re­fined super elliptical stylus is a worthwhile upgrade for those wishing to squeeze even more information and detail from the record groove.

” Prisvärd! ”  HIFI & MUSIK (4/2022)

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Tekniset tiedot
Väri: Punainen
Cantilever: Hiilikuitu
Stylus profile: Spherical
Stylus radius 0.6 mil

Vaste: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
Kanavatasapaino: 1.5 dB at 1 kHz
Kanavaerotus: >20 dB at 1 kHz
Herkkyys: 3.5 mV (1 kHz @ 5 cm/sec)
Staattinen komplianssi: 20 mm/N
Vertikaalinen neulakulma: 20°

Kuormitusresistanssi: 47 kOhm
Kuormitus kapasitanssi: 100 – 200 pF
Sisänen induktanssi: 400 mH
Sisäinen resistanssi: 410 Ohm

Massa: 6.9 g
Fixing centres 12.7 mm (0.5 in)
Toisto paino: 1.5 g – 2.5 g (2.0 g suositeltu)