Tehtaan erikoismalli – X8 Special Metallic Edition. Massavaimennettu laatusoitin todellisella balansoidulla rakenteella. Ortofon MC Quintet-sarjan huippumallin (arvo 999€) Quintet Black-äänirasia tehdasasennettuna!
Massiivinen 5,1kg levylautanen pyörii magneetin avustaman keraamisen laakerikuulan päällä tasaisesti. True Balanced Connection-rakenne. Yhdistä balansoituun RIAA-vahvistimeen, kuten Pro-Ject Phono Box S3, Phono Box DS3 tai Phono Box RS2 ja saat upean häiriöttömän ja dynaamisen äänen levyistäsi.
Pro-Ject 9cc-äänivarsi hiilikuitua. Elektroninen nopeusvalinta 33/45 kierr. Luja MDF-runko ja säädettävät metallitassut.
Upea Metallic Special Edition-viimeistely.
True Balanced Connection
We’re launching a whole line of new “True Balanced Connection” components that feature a balanced connection for your phono setup. The X8 is our first turntable to feature this new phono technology.
Turntables look back on a long history. Over time, many things have changed, not only from technical possibilities, but also from the environment. Wireless networks are omni present and countless electronic devices make your home „smarter“. This means there are now a lot of additional electromagnetic fields, which could interfere with your turntable‘s signal. This was simply not the case 30 years ago. To ensure the best connection to your phono preamplifier we designed our „True Balanced Connection“.
Balanced audio connections are usually known from the professional sector like recording studios or live concerts. It is very important to have a stable & interference free connection, as these signals will be highly amplified. The same applies to the connection from your turntable to the phono preamplifier. The big advantage of a balanced connection is its ability to remove picked up noise and interferences. And best of all, cartridges by nature are already balanced signal transducers! With True Balanced your are simply using everything, literally everything, that your cartridge is picking up from the record groove. You are not throwing away half of the usable signal, like is done in typical single-ended RCA phono connections.
The X8 comes with a 5pin output jack and with our standard semi-balanced Connect it Phono E 5P -> RCA cable. By upgrading it to our fully balanced 5P to XLR version (available separately) and using a balanced phono stage, like our Phono Box DS3 B or any of our RS/RS2 phono stages, you are fully set-up for the True Balanced experience. This leads to increased dynamics, less noise and improved signal to noise ratios. You can imagine it, like hearing parts of your music that literally were not there before.

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