McIntosh C22 MkV on uusin versio legendaarisesta putkietuvahvistimesta.
Laadukkaasti toteutettu putkiaste koostuu yhdestä 12AT7- ja viidestä 12AX7A-putkesta. Tinkimätön äänenvoimakkuussäädin takaa tarkan kanavaerotuksen ja äänenlaadun vuodesta toiseen. Balansoidut ja RCA-tulo-ja lähtöliitännät.
Laadukas MM/MC-levysoitinaste säädettävin kapasitanssi- ja impedanssiaskelin. Laadukas, isotehoinen kuulokevahvistin valittavalla HXD-piirillä.
Kauko-ohjain. Paino 11,3kg.
The C22 Mk V uses one 12AT7 and five 12AX7A vacuum tubes which can be seen through a glass panel located on the top of the preamp. Knobs and rocker switches operate all control functions while modern LED lights indicate input selection and volume level. The C22 Mk V has two balanced inputs, three unbalanced inputs, one Moving Coil and one Moving Magnet phono inputs, for a total of seven inputs. There are two pairs each of balanced and unbalanced output connections; the two outputs allow sending signals to two separate power amplifiers.
Bypassable bass and treble tone controls are located on the front panel and can be adjusted in 2dB increments via rotary knobs. Impedance and capacitance for the phono inputs can also be adjusted via separate rotary knobs. In addition to setting the listening level, the volume knob can also be used to adjust the relative volume balance between the left and right audio channels. The ¼” headphone jack is powered by our High Drive headphone amplifier and features our Headphone Crossfeed Director (HXD®) technology. HXD improves the sound localization for headphone listening by restoring the directionality component of the sound stage that’s normally only heard from loudspeakers.