VTL:n parannettu kakkosversio seuraa isoveljiensä TL-7.5:n ja TL-6.5:n jalanjälkiä täysin balansoidulla rakenteellaan. Täysputkitoteutus. Laatukomonentit kautta linjan. 117-askelinen volumesäätö. Kaksi balansoitua ja 8 RCA-linjatuloa. Balansoidut ja RCA-lähdöt.
Saatavissa myös erittäin tasokkaalla MM/MC-phonoesivahvistimella hintaan 20500€.
Metallinen, käyttömukavuudeltaan hieno kauko-ohjain. Hopea ja musta. Käsityötä Kaliforniasta.
- Almost half the price of the TL-6.5 Signature Preamplifier
- Luxurious cosmetics to match with Reference and Signature models
- Fully balanced differential linestage with increased functionality
- Optional internally retrofittable phono stage, with user adjustable cartridge loading and gain options
- Precision-regulated B+ and B- supplies
- Tube life extender circuit with B+ delay and soft filament ramp on power on
- Balanced design, low-radiation power transformer
- Quiet logic: Microprocessor sleep mode, quiet non-matrixing LED display with latching shift registers
Line Stage: All-tube, with lower gain high current 12AU7 circuit and 12AT7 buffer, minimal negative feedback
- Two balanced /single-ended inputs, five single-ended inputs, one tape in, one balanced out, one single-ended out, one buffered record out
- Soft-touch relay input select
- 117-step chip-based differential volume control, with 3-digit display
- Higher resolution via single higher-resolution attenuator, and software control for balance and offset
- Switchable gain between normal and low gain
- Mono control on front panel
- Fully bi-directional RS-232 control: programmable input offset, any input programmable as pass-through, and input disable, tape monitor and Mono control on front panel
- Two programmable trigger outputs
- Full function aluminum metal remote
- TP-6.5 chassis size with all precision machined aluminum cosmetic

” EDITORS CHOICE What made this pair so easy to review is their perfect synergy, with a sheer silky naturalness, and the kind of authority one demands of units costing far more. Pure class. ” -yhdessä ST-150-päätteen kanssa- Ken Kessler / HI-FI NEWS (Yearbook 2012)

” VTL has produced a winner.” Robert J. Reina / STEREOPHILE (Jun 2013)