VTL:n yksi kuuluisimmista vahvistinmalleista! Monopäätepari jolla ohjaat ohjaat vaivatta mitä tahansa kaiutinta. Dynamiikkaa ja bassotoiston kontrollia ja voimaa riittää. Kahdeksan KT-88 (vaihtoehtoisesti 6550) pääteputkea / kanava. Tetrodikytknnällä tuottaa 450W/kanava – triodikytkettynä 200W/kanava. Vaihto kätevästi etupaneelista. Neljä-asentoinen damping factor valinta kaiuttimelle ja omaan makuun optimoimiseksi. Signaalitieltä erotettu autobias ja matalat biasvirrat takaavat putkille pitkän käyttöiän. Täysin balansoitu rakenne, liitännät XLR/RCA. Musta ja hopea. Hinta/pari.
- Fully balanced differential circuit – even single-ended signal produces balanced signal at output
- Re-designed fully balanced differential input and driver stages for increased signal swing, bandwidth and stability
- Zero global Negative Feedback
- Shorter, faster feedback loop for greater tonal control without phase shift
- Improved handling of loudspeaker loads for greater signal stability
- The amplifier is unconditionally stable, without the need for capacitor compensation
- Tube like JFET-type current source for lower sonic impact in single-ended mode
- Lower impedance output stage for improved loudspeaker control
- Dramatically increased interleaving and coupling in the balanced VTL proprietary Signature output transformer, for wider bandwidth and zero ringing
- Variable user-adjustable DF feedback control to vary output impedance and damping factor for optimal matching to speaker load
- Software microprocessor controlled
- Tetrode/Triode Switchable
- Auto Bias, Fault Sensing
- Current in-rush limiting
- Standby Mute function; with reduced tube current for increased tube life
- 425 watts per channel in tetrode; 225 watts per channel in triode
- Uses eight 6550 or KT-88 tubes per monoblock
- Adjustable regulated screen supply for stable operating point; discrete regulated input and driver supply for greater signal resolution and tonality
- Adjustable precision-regulated bias supply for greater signal resolution and noise rejection and improved isolation from mains supply variations; output operating point does not change with AC power fluctuations
- Improved Autobias and fault sensing system to operate in fully balanced differential mode; amplifier is fully protected against output tube failure; no need for precision matching of output tubes
- All premium Mundorf silver oil caps in signal path
- Film bypass of power supply caps for greater HF resolution
- Extruded aluminum front panel with luxurious, modern look – black and silver options available
- Rack mountable
- Rigid construction and improved ventilation for lower operating temperature
- Factory upgradeable from Series II

” VTL tube amplifiers are steal at the price and supplied a wonderfully open and airy midrange ” -TL-7.5 & MB450- T.H.E. Show Newport, Jacob Heilbrunn / THE ABSOLUTE SOUND (Oct 2013)