VTL:n päätevahvistimien huippumalli, jossa kiteytyy Luke Manleyn kaikki osaaminen.Yksi parhaista päätevahvistimista mitä rahalla voi ostaa.
Täysin balansoitu rakenne. Huipputason komponentit ja optimaalinen sijoittelu kerroksittain. Optimointi erilaisille kaiutinkuormille ja kuuntelijan mieltymyksille Damping Factor-neliasentoisen säädön ansiosta. Tetrodi/triodi-valinta ”lennosta” etupaneelista. 12 x KT88 tai 6550-pääteputkia.
Hopea tai musta. Hinta/pari.

” Glorious. In sum, VTL has produced an amplifier that comes about as close to doing it all as anything on the market. ” Jacob Heilbrunn / THE ABSOLUTE SOUND (Oct 2014)

” Remarkably quiet, wideband, as linear and tonally neutral as the best solid-state amps, the VTL Siegfried II was as neutral and as uncolored as any tube amp I’ve listened to. ” Michael Fremer / STEREOPHILE (May 2014)
” Product of the year – RunnerS up ” STEREOPHILE

”The VTL Siegfried is not simply one of the most powerful and musical tube amplifiers in existence; it is also one of the most reliable. It features a wealth of features designed to make it user-friendly and avoid breakdowns. A fault-sensing system shuts down a tube before it can damage the amp. In addition, a precision regulated power supply regulates the output tubes, helping to produce a pure, fast, and very enticing sound. The Siegfried lands on the (slightly) warmer and more burnished side of the sound spectrum, and its immense power reserves endow recordings with real heft and weight. A visceral and emotional experience that is not soon forgotten.” The Absolute Sound