Audiolab 6000A Play on stereovahvistin sisäänrakennetulla verkkosoittimella. Pyöritettävät säätimet on sijoitettu reunoille ja suurikokoinen OLED-näyttö keskelle. 6000A Playsisältää myös korkealaatuisen DA-muuntimen, jonka ansiosta digitaaliset äänilähteet voidaan kytkeä suoraan ilman erillistä DAC:ia. 6000A Play-mallissa on monipuoliset liitäntämahdollisuudet, kuten 4 digitaalista ja 3 analogista linjatuloa, sisäänrakennettu kuulokevahvistin sekä suorastriimauksen lisäksi langaton Bluetooth-vastaanotto. Kauko-ohjain. Musta ja hopea.
Key Features:
- Full analogue and digital circuitry retained from the award-winning and class-leading audiolab 6000A integrated amplifier with built-in wireless streaming technology
- Class AB power amplification: 2x50W into 8 ohms; 2x75W into 4 ohms aptX Bluetooth streaming
- ESS Sabre32 ES9018K2M Reference DAC – as seen in the award-winning audiolab 6000A
- Three user-selectable digital filters
- Class A post-DAC active filter
- Low noise JFET MM phono stage
- Dedicated current-feedback headphone amp
- Three operational modes – Integrated Mode; Pre-Power Mode; Pre Model
- Ethernet connection – wired internet connection for high bandwidth applications
- Dedicated high-performance MM phono input
- Separate pre-power sections for flexibility of operation
- Automatic equipment activation via 12V trigger
- Auto standby function
- Wi-Fi® Technology DTS Play-Fi streams music over standard Wi-Fi networks, delivering perfectly synchronized audio, with no lag and zero loss in sound quality.
- Lossless Audio Streaming Stream in 24-bit/192kHz with compatible streaming services and files formats.
- Multi-room Enjoy music in every room of your house. All at once, perfectly synchronized, with no lag. You’re in control.
- DTS Play-Fi App Simply download the free app and immediately send songs via Wi-Fi to any speaker in any room of the house.
- Easy Setup No logins, no complicated computer-based setups. Just download the app and within minutes, you’re ready to listen.
- Any Operating System Fully compatible with all operating systems: Apple iOS, AndroidTM, Windows® PC, and Fire OS.