Musical Fidelity M8xi on jatkoa mallistoon Musicalin hienoille, tehokkaille vahvistimille. Tuplamonorakenne ja tehoa kaikkiin kaiutinkuormiin yllin kyllin – jatkuva 2 x 550W 8ohm ja 2 x 870W 4ohm sekä hetkellistä musiikkitehoa 2 x 1600W 2ohm kuormaan.
M8xi sisältää balansoidun etuvahvistimen, sekä kaksi monoblokki-päätevahvistinta, joilla on yhteinen alustarakenne. Kummallakin näistä on oma jäähdytystekniikka ja erillinen muuntaja. Kyseessä on siis aito kaksoismono-rakenne.
Esivahvistimella on oma erillinen virtalähde joka on asennettu lähelle tuloliitäntöjä. Näin ollen signaalisiirrot ovat hyvin lyhyitä, jolloin tämä tyylikäs idea varmistaa sen, että molemmat kanavasignaalit ovat lineaariset ja erittäin pieni-impedanssiset saapuessaan vahvistinasteelle. Kummassakin kanavassa on kaksitoista suurta bipolaarista transistoria – tarjoten huiman virranantokyvyn – 200 ampeeria huipusta huippuun.
Sisäänrakennettuna laadukas DAC, varustettuna sisääntuloilla; 2 x optinen, 2 x koaksiaalinen ja USB-tulo.
Neljä analogista RCA-tuloa, joista yksi valittavissa myös Home Theater Direct-tuloksi ohittaen äänenvoimakkuussädön. Kaksi balansoitua XLR-sisäänmeno. Ulostulot balansoitu XLR-, RCA line- ja RCA pre out sekä digitaalisena optinen ja koaksiaalinen.
Ulkoinen design kertoo huippuluokan osavalinnoista. Etulevy on puristettua milspec-alumiinia, joka on valmistettu mittatilaustyönä. Korkealaatuisilla jäähdytyselementteillä on erinomainen lämmönjohtokyky ja tarkkaan mietitty tekninen rakenne.
M8xi:n korkea suorituskyky sekä kattava liitettävyys tekevät siitä erinomaisen keskipisteen lähes mihin tahansa järjestelmään.
In 1990, Musical Fidelity made the first ever Super Integrated amplifier: the A1000. lt received a rapturous welcome and, even today, second hand, is selling at high prices. The A1000 was the first of a long line of Super Integrated Amplifiers from Musical Fidelity. Its children: the NuVista M3, Tri Vista 300, kW500, M6/500i, NuVista 800 and NuVista 600 all were equally enthusiastically welcomed to the audiophile world. The M8xi is the latest and the best of the breed.
Over the last 5 years our power amp circuitry has reached a high state of evelopment. In our never ending quest for improving performance and customer value we have been looking for ways to improve our designs. One of the prime directives was to keep the low feedback configuration unchanged .. continue with low feedback! The problern was how to improve efficiency and performance without affecting the sound quality. If I say so myself, I think we have come up with a brilliant solution. Our new M8xi power amp design gives higher power, lower distortion and better sound quality. Incredible but true. The output stage efficiency has been increased thus yielding about 10% more power for similar power supply voltage. More importantly the whole driver stage is pure Class A. We believe that this innovative approach has a substantial effect on the sound quality. The sound stage appears wider whilst the micro and macro dynamics have more impact. This effect is particularly noticeable on well recorded piano. I am sure you all know the piano is a percussive instrument but in truth this is rarely audible on most Hi Fi systems. Using an M8xi a piano‘s percussive nature becomes instantly obviously and jumps out of the loudspeaker. lt is a surprising and satisfying improvement to the sound quality. Vocals have more subtly, detail and presence. Large scale music has a depth, width and incredibly dynamic presentation. All in all the M8xi is a consummate all-rounder. Mostly it sounds like a small Class A amplifier with huge power.
The M8xi delivers 550 + 550wpc into 8 ohms. It is extremely stable and very linear. The distortion is low too; lower than 0.005% in the audible frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. The M8xi has remarkable linearity and consistency. lt is unconditionally stable and will drive any loudspeaker in existence easily with ample power reserve.
The M8xi has a precision volume control. This ensures perfect tracking right down to very low level. This ensures perfect tracking right down to very low levels which is unattainable with standard potentiometers. This outstanding precision is achieved by laser trimmed substrate resistors.
The M8xi is effortless, fluid and dynamic. lt doesn‘t sound ‚loud‘. lt just sounds right. The dynamics are handled with no drama or fuss. They come and they go. There is no distortion; just pure undiluted music. lt sounds like a superb small Class A amplifier but with limitless headroom.

” Highly recommended ” STEREOPHILE (Oct 2020)

” Recommended Components 2020 ” STEREOPHILE

Musical Fidelity has always designed fabulous big amplifiers, following its belief that you can never have too much power. Now under Austrian ownership, and sharing a stable with Pro-Ject Audio Systems, it’s delivered the M8xi, offering a massive 550W – which it comfortably exceeds from its dual-mono construction. Inputs extend to both digital and analogue audio options, but this isn’t just a big prize-fighter of an amp: it’s also fast and nimble, delivering music with both speed and accuracy, not to mention masses of detail. If you want your amp all in one box, and superlative performance, this is the one to buy.

” Oustanding Product. ” Mitatut tehot 640W 8ohm ja 940W 4ohm jatkuva ja 880W 8ohm ja 1740W 4ohm hetkellinen HI-FI NEWS (July 2020)

” Riktigt hög klass ” HIFI & MUSIK (7-8/2020)

” … a product that has enough emotional stretch to satisfy across a wide range of musical genres. 5 stars ” WHAT HI-FI (Feb 2022)

” Highlight ” STEREOPLAY (7/2021)
– mitatut tehot 2x540W 8ohm ja 2x751W 4ohm jatkuva sekä 2x719W 8ohm ja 2x1074W ohm 4ohm hetkellinen

” Recommended Components 2022 Award ” STEREOPHILE

” Testivoittaja. Ääneltää Musical Fidelity sijoittui testin kärkeen. ” HIFIMAAILMA (8/2022)