7000N Play on Audiolabin uusin tulokas verkkosoitinmallistoon. Striimeri, jonka avulla voit suoratoistaa musiikkipalveluita, kuten Spotify ja äänenlaadultaan kehittyneemmät TIDAL ja Deezer. Internetradioasemat myös ulottuvillasi. Kuusi pikavalintaa suosituille soittolähteillesi.
Käyttö Play-Fi-sovelluksen avulla tabletilla tai älypuhelimella. Bluetooth ja AirPlay2. DTS Play-Fi:n avulla voit toistaa musiikkia verkon yli myös korkearesoluution laadulla. Myös monihuonemahdollisuudet muiden DTS Play-Fi-laitteiden kanssa.
Tasokas ESS Sabren ES9038Q2M da-muunnin. Ethernet ja WiFi.
Ulostulot RCA (analoginen) ja optinen & koaksiaalinen (digitaaliset).
Musta ja hopea
The new 7000N Play builds upon that legacy building introduction of wireless audio streaming to the brand with enhancements and improvements to match the step up from the established 6000 series to the new class-leading, 7000 series.
Bringing hi-resolution wireless audio streaming to any home audio system, the 7000N Play further expands on the multi-format, multi-platform, multi-source compatible DTS Play-Fi system, now with Apple AirPlay 2 compatibility.
Featuring DTS Play-Fi® Technology, music can be streamed over your wireless network in high-resolution format and can be easily expanded to a multi-room system if required. You can stream from any source on your wireless network, including smartphones, tablets or PCs as well as a NAS Drive.
Besides accessing your personal music library, the DTS Play-Fi platform offers a wealth of leading online music channels from around the globe. Spotify, Tidal, HD Tracks, Deezer, Amazon Music, Napster, KKBox and Sirius XM, to name a few. Browse a radio guide with thousands of stations and podcasts, or stream from a home media server with DLNA compatibility. And thanks to the aforementioned AirPlay 2 adoption, the 7000N Play also now offers further compatibility for Apple Music users and other non-Play-Fi native platforms by way of Apple Airplay 2 connectivity, offering all of the additional convenience of the Apple platform.

” Preis/Leistung: Uberragend ” STEREOPLAY (6/2023)

” Leserwahl 2024-voittaja ” AUDIO STEREOPLAY