LOON Monitor on odotettu Totem-uutuuskaiutin. Kanadassa suunniteltu ja käsityönä valmistettu pienikokoinen kaiutin, joka yllättää bassotoistollaan, äänen irtonaisuudellaan ja bassotoistollaan. 2-tie bassorefleksirakenne. Kustomoidut laatuelementit – 5,75 tuuman basso kehittyneellä puhekelatoteutuksella ja 1″ laser etched textile soft dome-diskantti. Ensimmäisen asteen jakosuodintoteutus. Tuloksena nautittavaa ääntä jopa reilusti sivusta kuunneltaessa. Herkkyys 87dB/W ja impedanssi 8ohm – helppo kuorma vahvistimelle.
Kolme viimeistelyä; musta, pähkinä ja satiinivalkoinen. Vakiovarusteena magneettikiinnitteiset etukankaat.
The Totem LOON Monitor is proudly engineered and handcrafted in Canada. As its namesake implies, this monitor has a hypnotic and mystical ability to transmit sound in a perfectly fluid manner. It is designed to engage the listener with deep emotion, speed and balance.
The LOON Monitor is forgiving in terms of placement and capable of remarkable sonic performance even when listening from over 45 degrees off-axis. Despite its compact cabinet, it offers a bass that is deep and tight, yet not exaggerated, with an excellent impact and decay. The LOON Monitor is capable of producing full bandwidth sound even at low volumes, all the while offering astonishing imaging and scale of the music.
This profoundly musical monitor sounds fabulous with all genres of music. It will feel perfectly at home in any space, including your computer desk.
Engage on a magical music journey with the Totem LOON Monitor today.